voters to choose the candidates they like the best
With more choice, voters have a stronger voice in the outcome of elections and greater confidence their vote will make a difference.
and voter choice
RCV eliminates strategic voting, vote “splintering,” “wasted” votes and the “spoiler” effect.
voter engagement
and satisfaction
With more viable candidates on the ballot and greater voter power and voice, voters participate more fully in our electoral process.
Voters who have used RCV prefer it.
positive campaigning
Candidates do best when they appeal to a broader range of voters.
Negative attacks may alienate voters and lose crucial 2nd and 3rd choice support the candidate needs to win in an RCV election.
By ensuring that a candidate wins with the support of a majority, RCV eliminates the inconvenience of run-off elections and prevents candidates from winning only by appealing to a narrow base.
Our Politics Today: Single Choice Voting
Plurality sufficient for a candidate to win; majority support not required
Vote “splintering” empowers candidates supported only by a minority
“Spoiler” effect deters candidates and impedes competition
“Wasted vote” dilemma limits voter choice
System rewards negative campaigning and fuels “zero sum” politics
RCV Voters Rank Candidates in Order of Preference and Are Not Limited to a Single Choice
RCV Solves the Problems With Single Choice Voting
Single Choice Voting
Ranked Choice Voting
No majority needed
Majority needed to win
Vote splintering
Vote splintering eliminated
Spoiler factor
Spoiler factor removed
Limits choice to top two
Gives voters more choice
Rewards negative campaigning
Rewards civility, focus on issues & consensus building